Doujinshi | Manga | Kemonomimi | English | Japanese | Rape Hentai | Chinese | Full Color

#515901 - Yes Carla” “I know of a kink oriented band having problems finding gigs, do you welcome local bands or do you have only a select groups you use?” “Oh yes very much so, we love hiring kink oriented bands, and if you know of a kink oriented group and they want to do a gig here, we are very open to it. ” …………………………… This story is probably not my best-written story and found this one difficult to write. Yes Blake” “Are the dogs already trained for sex or do you train them here?” “When I originally bought the first several dogs I bought them from a lady who taught them, now 3 of my primary handlers and Neela train the dogs for sex.

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Ai miyashita
Awsome girl